Jia Zhang (张佳)

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Assistant Research Professor
Zhongguancun Laboratory
Beijing, China.
Email: joyce_zhangjia@126.com joycezhangjia@gmail.com

About me

I'm currently an Assistant Research Professor at Zhongguancun Laboratory. I received my Ph.D. degree in Routing Group, with Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, in 2023, advised by Prof. Mingwei Xu. I received my B.Eng. degree in Department of Electronic Engineering at Tsinghua University in 2018. In Summer 2019, I was fortunate to visit University of Surrey and worked with Prof. Ning Wang at 5G Innovation Centre.


My research interests include network security, transport layer and learning-based network systems.

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Recent Publications

  1. (ISCC’24) Peng Qian, Ning Wang, Foh Chuan Heng, Jia Zhang, Carl Udora, Rahim Tafazolli, Enabling eBPF-Based Packet Duplication for Robust Volumetric Video Streaming, IEEE ISCC 2024.

  2. (WWW’24) Jia Zhang, Haitian Tong, Enhuan Dong, Xin Qian, Mingwei Xu, Xiaotian Li, Zili Meng, Cold Start or Hot Start? Robust Slow Start in Congestion Control with A Priori Knowledge for Mobile Web Services, TheWebConf 2024. (paper)

  3. (ATC’23) Jia Zhang, Yixuan Zhang, Enhuan Dong, Yan Zhang, Shaorui Ren, Zili Meng, Mingwei Xu, Xiaotian Li, Zongzhi Hou, Zhicheng Yang, Xiaoming Fu, Bridging the Gap between QoE and QoS in Congestion Control: A Large-scale Mobile Web Service Perspective, USENIX ATC 2023, Boston, MA, USA. (paper)

  4. (ToN’23) Jia Zhang, Shaorui Ren, Enhuan Dong, Zili Meng, Yuan Yang, Mingwei Xu, Sijie Yang, Miao Zhang Yang Yue. Reducing Mobile Web Latency through Adaptively Selecting Transport Protocol, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), 2023. (paper)

  5. (WWW’21) Jia Zhang, Enhuan Dong, Zili Meng, Yuan Yang, Mingwei Xu, Sijie Yang, Miao Zhang Yang Yue. WiseTrans: Adaptive Transport Protocol Selection for Mobile Web Service, TheWebConf 2021. (paper)

  6. (ToN’21) Zili Meng, Yaning Guo, Yixin Shen, Jing Chen, Chao Zhou, Minhu Wang, Jia Zhang, Mingwei Xu, Chen Sun, Hongxin Hu, Practically Deploying Heavyweight Adaptive Bitrate Algorithms With Teacher-Student Learning, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), 2021. (paper)(website)

  7. (SIGIR’17) Fangzhao Wu, Jia Zhang, Zhigang Yuan, Sixing Wu, Yongfeng Huang, and Jun Yan.2017. Sentence-level sentiment classification with weak supervision. In Proceedings of the 40thInternational ACM SIGIR. (paper)

A brief cv.